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Navigational Instruments

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Navigational Instruments

The Mediterranean, known in antiquity as “The Great Sea,” has long attracted sailors, conquerors, and traders to its waters. Navigational tools have always been essential, especially when mariners ventured beyond coastlines. At first glance, the Phoenician sailor, British submarine captain, and modern refugee may seem worlds apart, but all have relied on tools like the solar wheel, compass, sextant, or even a smartphone. These instruments symbolise a shared purpose in these blue waters: the search for prosperity, conquest, or simply survival.

Each object in this collection showcases a step in navigation’s evolution, from an ancient inscribed sherd to a modern Global Positioning System (GPS) device. Each innovation built upon the last, making exploration more precise. Together, these artefacts tell the story of Malta’s unique position in the Mediterranean—a place both isolated and connected, shaped by the sea’s challenges and opportunities.

21 results
Mariner's Compass
Navigation and Timekeeping / Magnetic and Astronomical
Solar Wheel Sherd
Art / Decorative
3800 - 2500 BCE
Kriegsmarine "Trommel" Sextant
Navigation and Timekeeping
Navigation and Timekeeping
Compass with Sundial
Navigation and Timekeeping / Magnetic and Astronomical
Compass with Sundial
Navigation and Timekeeping / Magnetic and Astronomical
Navigation and Timekeeping / Optical Instruments
Equinoctial Sundial
Navigation and Timekeeping / Magnetic and Astronomical
ca. 1790
Ship's Compass in Case
Navigation and Timekeeping / Magnetic and Astronomical
Proportional Dividers
Navigation and Timekeeping / Magnetic and Astronomical
Navigator's Divider
Navigation and Timekeeping / Magnetic and Astronomical
Navigation and Timekeeping / Time Measuring Devices