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Tliet Ċippijiet tal-Bastun
Tliet Ċippijiet tal-Bastun
Image copyright Heritage Malta.

Tliet Ċippijiet tal-Bastun

Alternate title
  • Three beading planes
Manufacturer W. Marples & Sons
Period20th century
Object TypeĊipp tal-Bastun; Beading Plane
Registration NumberMMM 000736.3
DescriptionOne of them is marked number 16 and Hibernia W. Marples & Sons Sheffield with a triple shamrock. Iron sports a round female edge. A symbol of two attached diamonds in the form an 8 is present. The other one is marked with number 27 and also has a round female edge.
InscriptionsInscribed on wood "Hibernia W. Marples & Sons Sheffield" with a triple shamrock, number "16", number "27", and two diamonds attached to form a number "8".Material
Wood, Cast Steel
Dimensions3.9; 2.2 x 15; 14.5 x 25.2; 25.1 cmPublished ReferencesCaruana, Joseph. (2019). Dizzjunarju ta’ Termini Nawtiċi u Tagħrif Marittimu Lokali/Dictionary of Maltese Nautical Terms & Maritime Themes, Malta: BDL Publishing
Alternate ID Numbers
  • EEA Norway Grant: EEA.0144; EEA.0145
  • Inventory Card: 9083-4
  • HM Object Number: 83289
  • Register Book Number: 812
Public Access
Not on view
  •   Malta Maritime Museum, Second Floor, Exhibition Hall
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